So you're turning 65, now what?
Your 65th birthday is almost here!
Don't forget to enroll in Medicare Part B to take advantage of all of your benefits!
Although navigating the ins-and-outs of Medicare can be confusing, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some of the top questions I receive about Medicare answered quickly.
Question: Should I sign up for Medicare if I have employer coverage?
A: If you have employer coverage, you might not need to sign up for Medicare — but every situation is unique, so it’s essential to do your research to see what’s in your best interest.
Question: When do I sign up for Medicare?
A: When you become eligible for Medicare, you have a seven-month enrollment period to sign up for Part A and/or Part B. The enrollment period:
Begins three months before the month you turn 65
Includes the month you turn 65
Ends three months after the month you turn 65
If you sign up during the first three months of the enrollment period, your coverage will start the first day of the month you turn 65.
Question: How do I sign up for Medicare?
A: There are two ways to enroll in Medicare:
Go in person to your local Social Security office.
Sign up online at the Social Security Administration.
Want some help with the application? My team can walk you through it step-by-step, they can be reached at 843-708-5469 or 843-408-1758.
We are also including a FREE how-to guide below.
Question: What happens next?
A: Once you have completed the application for Part A/Part B, you will receive your Medicare card in the mail. This will come from the Social Security Administration and is a red, white, and blue card similar to a Social Security card. When you receive that card, we will meet (either in person or virtually) to review the options for your Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement plan.
If you have additional questions or concerns about the process or any of the information in this email, please give me or my team a call!
Jeff - 843-297-0335 | Kayla - 843-708-5469 | Kimberly - 843-408-1758